Does this sound like you?

  • You’re a creative or a wellness business owner

  • You’ve been thinking about launching some kind of online offering for ages, but don’t know where to start

  • You want to feel fully supported from start to finish and held accountable so that you actually do it (and it sells)

  • You don’t want to join the 'online course bandwagon’: it has to be something special for your audience that feels totally aligned with you and your brand

  • You provide 1:1 services at the moment or in-person classes and want to find a way to layer in a digital product for a new income stream


What last year’s students say

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Hear Kathryn’s story


Kathryn is one of last years’ students, she ran in-person Tibetan Bowls sound healing groups & joined my programme to create an online version.

She made ‘From Stressed to Sound’ audio bundles of 3 meditation tracks & marketed them to her audience via organic methods only. We used a pre-sale then full sale method for her launch.

Within 24 hours of pre-sale she made back her investment. Within 48 hours she doubled it. There’s a full, unedited interview with Kathryn here.

It is worth noting the pilot launch (called The Online Incubator) was a lower investment rate & shorter programme (3 weeks). Kathryn looked after all of her own audio recording tech too.

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What is an

expansive brand?

 An Expansive Brand is

The art of making it bigger.

Its not about doing more

It’s about being more

for more people

Helping in the ways that only you can

Finding the courage to take up more space

Bringing your creative ideas to life

Moving the quiet whispers in your mind

Into expansive being